You say “genocide” like it’s a bad thing

The Fuhrer was a terrific dancer!

Susan Brassfield Cogan
6 min readAug 21, 2017

I’m not sure what to say about the Charlotteville kerfuffle. “It’s not who we are.”It’s a travesty!” “It’s terrorism! “We all need to learn to love one another.”

Pretty much anything I could say, someone else is saying it better than I could.

I can’t let THAT stop me!

So bunch of creeps descended on a college town that was planning to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee. They had ugly tattoos and uglier ideas. They carried tiki torches that they ended up using like clubs. They had pepper spray, they wore body armor, some of them had guns. It was a compilation of several white supremacist, Fascist and Nazi organizations.

A counter protest had been organized composed of students and civil rights defenders, mostly, but not entirely, from the college. They knew about it in advance because the ACLU had stepped in to defend the racists when they applied for a permit to demonstrate. Hateful speech is protected by the 1st Amendment and was especially written to protect vile, disgusting speech. And the framers included the word “peaceably” to describe assembly because vile speech is fine, violence is not.

So when the creeps spewed hateful rhetoric at the protesters, they were deliberately trying to provoke them into violence.

It worked.

It shouldn’t have.

Sticks and stones.

Plenty of Blame on Both Sides

The racist bigot Spokesmodel Trump, stepped up to the microphone to defend his friends. “There’s plenty of blame on both sides!” he said while the Nazis cheered.

During WWII about 150,000 people died at the Battle of the Bulge.

“You had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. Nobody wants to say it, but I will say it right now,” Trump said.

yep, yep. In 1944 the Americans (and Canadians, the British, etc) showed up in Belgium armed and ready for a fight! There was enough blame to go around. There were good people on both sides and bad people on both sides. Both sides came armed and ready to fight! Clearly, there was no moral difference between them.

The Antifa and the Alt-Left

The alt-right is “alt” because there are decent conservatives who come complete with a working moral compass. The alt-right is an “alternative” to them.

There’s no such thing as “alt-left.”

The left is uniformly opposed to racial, ethnic and sexual discrimination, from one end to the other. There’s no alternative.

“Antifa” is a new word. It stands for “Anti Fascist.” I think it’s supposed to be an insult. Um … “anti-fascist” is a bad thing? I saw on Facebook that the Antifa are supposed to be Communists and are no different from Fascists. Let’s think about that for a second. Communists are bad. I get that. During the age of Stalin, a lot of Russians died of starvation because of very bad, horrible policy. There weren’t any gas ovens, though. There was no efficient record keeping and no pride that they’d killed X number of Russians this week. It’s hard to compare one monumental evil to another but I think the Fascists win this particular comparison.

If Antifa means “anti-Fascist” I’m in. Sign me up.

It’s all about Heritige

“This week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is George Washington next week and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You really do have to ask yourself: ‘Where does it stop?’” Trump asked.

Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson were traitors to their country who fought to defend the institution of slavery and the right of one person to own another. Statutes to them were erected to enforce Jim Crow many decades after the Civil War. South, your heritage is horrible. Sorry, but it is.

In Germany, where there were real Nazis, they don’t have a 1st Amendment and the kind of vile white supremacy that is espoused here is illegal there. Germans have the grace to feel remorseful about their horrible heritage. They have worked to make things better and to put that past behind them.

For some reason the special little snow fakes of the south have not had the moral courage to admit their mistakes and make amends. Their ancestors committed treason against the country they claim to love in order to preserve a moral depravity. That’s neither noble nor honorable. There just isn’t enough lipstick for that pig.

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were patriots who happened to own slaves. They made a positive contribution to the USA that Lee and Jackson did not.

You say “genocide” like it’s a bad thing

I read on an alt-right website that the guy who ran his car into the crowd was being attacked by the Antifa. Film shows that to be a lie. “He’s innocent!” they claim. It was totally unfair to characterize it as murder. And anyway he was Jewish (I kid you not.)

“…the lying media runs propaganda campaigns to smear us”

That quote is from an article that also contains these lines

Let us be clear, this was an Alt-Right rally. This was a rally by people advocating for White identity.

Let’s sit back and absorb the cluelessness of whining about the quality of their coverage. The article claims they were not Nazis in spite of the fact that they were covered with Nazi symbols, flags and tattoos. They carried Nazi and white supremacist signs. They chanted Nazi slogans.

And the press is unfairly critical and prejudiced against Nazis.

Nobody’s giving the Nazis a fair shake.

Franz Liebekind: You know, not many people knew it, but the Fuhrer was a terrific dancer.

Max: Really, I never dreamed that…

Franz Liebekind: That is because that you were taken in by that verdammte Allied propaganda! Such filthy lies! They told lies! But nobody ever said a bad word about Winston Churchill, did they? No! ‘Win with Winnie!’ Churchill! With his cigars. With his brandy. And his rotten painting, rotten! Hitler — there was a painter! He could paint an entire apartment in one afternoon! Two Coats! …Let me tell you this! And you’re hearing this straight from the horse. Hitler was better looking than Churchill. He was a better dresser than Churchill. He had more hair! He told funnier jokes! And he could dance the pants off of Churchill!

Unfortunately for the Neo-Nazi creeps, white supremacist creeps, alt-right creeps, there is no good publicity. All the press has to do is repeat what you say and film what you do.

Bring it on

We couldn’t let the Fascists win last time and we won’t let them win this time. Yes, they are being replaced. White people will be fine and aren’t under any kind of threat. White identity ideas and ideology must be allowed to die out. Everything about them is vile and repugnant.

Adolf Hitler killed himself by gunshot on 30 April 1945 in his Führerbunker in Berlin. … That afternoon, in accordance with Hitler’s prior instructions, their remains were carried up the stairs through the bunker’s emergency exit, doused in petrol, and set alight in the Reich Chancellery garden outside the bunker. Records in the Soviet archives show that their burnt remains were recovered and interred in successive locations until 1970, when they were again exhumed, cremated, and the ashes scattered.

And that is how the ideas of the white supremacists, white identity people, Neo-Nazis, fascists and alt-right need to go.

They need to blow away with the ashes of history.

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Susan Brassfield Cogan
Susan Brassfield Cogan

Written by Susan Brassfield Cogan

I write self-help, life coaching, and political opinion. I am a creativity and mindfulness coach

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