Member-only story
Things to do while waiting for The Muse
The bitch is always late
I show up in my writing room at approximately 10 A.M. every morning without fail. Sometimes my Muse sees fit to join me there and sometimes she doesn’t, but she always knows where I’ll be. She doesn’t need to go hunting in the taverns or on the beach or drag the boulevard looking for me. — Tom Robbins
I have to be up front here. If the Muse exists, she’s mostly ignored me. And the feeling is mutual.
I have had that experience — the one you have had — where I sat down at 10 a.m. and nothing happened. Nada. The Force was not with me that day. Just about nothing is worse than staring at a blank screen and having it stare back at you like the Eternal Abyss sucking up your soul. Waiting. You’re all dressed up and ready for the Muse cha-cha and nobody shows up. The toes of your dancing shoes start to gather dust. You sigh, file your nails and get up to re-heat your coffee. Aaaand … nothing.
The bitch isn’t going to show.
You showed up and she didn’t. Which one of us is behaving correctly in this situation? What are you supposed to do?
Step 1: You showed up. She did not.
Step 2: Just type something.