… there will be a big smoking hole where you and your guns used to be.
how about addressing the elephant in the room? Hint: mental illness.
The mentally ill are more likely to be victims than perpetrators. Also there’s no way to tell if someone is murderously “mentally ill” until they start pulling the trigger. That’s a few seconds too late.
Your quote is much closer to hitler’s quote, nice attempt at deflection. If you really want to use the preamble to the Constitution I guess you missed the part “ provide for the common defense”. That means protecting from government tyranny.
Hitler/Godwin. Hitler also wore shoes. Are you barefoot?
“common defense” refers to foreign invasion. Cheesh. The “Second Amendment solution” to government tyranny is a fantasy. If you can’t fix our government (which even now isn’t even close to tyranny) then you are royally screwed. Your guns will not save you. If the government was the least bit frightened of you, there will be a big smoking hole where you and your guns used to be.
Obamacare, for some reason.
Yes, the GOP is extremely proud of stripping health care from millions and making the rest of you pay more while exploding the debt and cutting your taxes by $2 while giving millions to their rich buddies. The GOP is truly the People’s Party. Because millionaires are people too!