People don’t drop dead when you vote. Cars are far more vital to your freedom than guns and they are heavily regulated.
Guns are not heavily regulated. They are barely regulated at all.
Regulations don’t stop car theft or wrecks. But cars overall get safer and safer every year and wrecks get less and less. That’s the aim with regulating deadly weapons.
What new regulation would suddenly stop their misuse while still allowing the innocent/law abiding to buy/own them?
This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is what is called a “straw man” argument. I don’t mind people with a clean background check owning or buying guns. I want people to store them safely. I want you, et al. to put up with some inconvenience so that the police can track down and arrest people who commit violent crimes with them. I want straw purchasers entirely out of business. Right now, if I were a gangster I’d be funneling millions to the NRA. I’d be their biggest fan.