I guess you haven’t been reading all the calls for confiscation of AR-15s or even the repeal of the second amendment (by a former supreme court justice no less).
It’s calls for banning the SALE of Ar-15s and I don’t actually agree with that because it would be useless.
The point of Justice Stephens’s article was that if you want to ban guns, you’d have to repeal the 2nd Amendment. As it stands now guns can only be regulated. The constitution says guns may be regulated, SCOTUS agrees and that’s what I want.
Once the wider public understands your actual goals (control speech and disarm your opponents)
Considering the right wing media industrial complex, “control speech” is in LOL territory. Obama criticized right wing media but never threatened to limit their speech. It’s Trump that’s doing that.
The left sees the gun issue as a public health problem. Nobody is afraid of your guns. Nobody thinks there’s a need to “disarm” you. Your guns are only a threat to you, your neighbors, your family and your children. Not the government whether left or right.