There is no shortage of Democrat talking points. We are steeped in the “progressive” left’s propaganda every waking moment. It’s hubris to believe Trump voters were just ill-informed.
I’m sorry you have to listen to things you disagree with. A cocoon where you only hear stuff you already like and believe would be really nice. Unfortunately you share the planet with a lot of different people and they like and believe different stuff and make their likes and beliefs known in places where you can hear them.
My heart goes out to you.
What exactly were we doing for those TWELVE YEARS in progressive democrat inspired public school?
K-12 only gives you the very basic skills and knowledge you need to be an adult citizen of the USA. To be an electrician or a car mechanic you have to get additional training. If you want to be an accountant or a school teacher, you’re going to need more than that.
Additional education is a good way to raise yourself out of poverty. If we want to regrow our declining middle class we are going to have to prioritize education as a society.
Governments are supposed to look after the welfare and safety of its citizens. In 1950 there were about 160 million Americans. Now there are more than double that. The government needs to be bigger than it was in the past. Sorry. The government can’t fulfill its purpose if it’s too small.
Meanwhile, within one year of electing Republican majorities unemployment is back below 4% nationally — just like it was before Democrats saved us from the “Great Recession” they largely caused. You lost the prerogative to talk down to us when your policies failed.
When Obama took office the unemployment rate was around 10%. When he left office it was around 4%. If a Republican president had done that you would be naming airports after him and fighting to bear his children.
When Democrats finally came out as Marxist Socialist collectivists at war with individual rights, you alienated your own base.
I’m pretty radical left. I’d love it if Democrats tended that way but, alas.
That’s the thing. Democrats tend not to be very radical. They are center left at the best of times. Moving left would absolutely please the base. Unfortunately, the Democrats don’t pay much attention to their more radical base like the Republicans do. Our lunatic fringe doesn’t get elected to public office. They don’t even bother to run. We aren’t going to be treated to lefty version of Roy Moore or Sara Pallin. There is no leftist version of Alex Jones who has a national audience of millions. There is no leftist version of Rush Limbaugh who gets invited to be keynote speaker at big conferences.
The energy around Bernie Sanders was electric, not because he alienated his base, but because he electrified it. I hope his ideas are the future of the party.
Ending every lost debate with “you’re stupid, nyeah!” no longer works.
LOL! That ever worked?