Pro-Life people believe that a woman has an absolute right to her own body and what happens. They just happen to believe that right extends to women (as well as men) who are still in thier mothers uterus as well.
I agree with you that “personhood,” or at least humanity, begins at conception. It’s government control that I’m worried about.
However, if they actually believed in “life begins at birth” they would confine their activities to advocacy and stop trying to make laws to govern what people can do with their bodies. Also they would be handing out birth control on every street corner to prevent as many abortions as possible. They hate birth control as much as abortion, possibly more. Government control is what they advocate for, why they do it is what you are talking about, what they are doing is what I’m talking about.
In case you missed it, trying to pretend that a persons skin color or ethnicity inherently defines thier political viewpoint or political affiliation IS, itself, a RACIST idea.
I already mentioned when the Democratic party flipped to being a home for people of color so I’ll respond to this.
Yeah, no. People of color can have all kinds of political views, that is true. On social issues, they tend to form the more conservative wing of the Democratic party. They mostly opposed gay marriage, for example. However, they know that racists are a significant voting block of the Republican party and that Republicans go to some lengths to keep racists both engaged and placated. That is why only about 7% of Republicans are black. There would be quite a lot more of them if Republicans didn’t make so much effort to keep the Confederate flag nuts happy.