…. it was invented by someone(Adobe), not coincidence. …. created by nothing
Humans didn’t evolve by coincidence. We evolved as a response to the physics of the universe. Photoshop also conforms to the same physics. And it’s extremely easy to prove Adobe exists. Trivially easy. You can even ask that they prove their own existence. They prove it to me every month when they send me a bill. And I don’t have any complaints other than their bill could be smaller.
As I said, I wouldn’t worship God if I could be persuaded that he existed. His morality in no way resembles mine or that of any modern person. I wouldn’t send a total stranger to hell, let alone one of my children. I wouldn’t send a murderer to hell, certainly not somebody who just didn’t think the right things.
If you worship THAT in contravention of your own morality, I do not envy you.