You said it. What does this really mean?
“Health care for everyone! Affordable education! Livable wage! Equality and freedom for all Americans!”
Healthcare for everyone means that you can get an appointment with the doctor whenever you have a physical (or mental) problem without worrying about how you’re going to pay for it. Like in every other rich country in the world. I know too many people with insurance who can’t see a doctor because the copays and deductibles are so high it’s like not having insurance at all — and they still pay the premiums!
I know one person who as such a low IQ that rolling burritos is about all she qualifies for but she can’t do that because she is too ill and has no insurance at all. She spends most of her days in bed in the spare rooms of her friends. That’s an anecdote but it’s not at all rare. If she had access to health care and could roll burritos for a living wage, she’d have a small 1-bedroom apartment somewhere and would be a net advantage for society and not a net drain.
Equality and freedom: All libertarians feel pushed around by government because that’s what government does. A tyranny will push you around at the point of a gun and a democracy will push you around more gently and accommodate you when and where it can. There is no libertarian paradise where you get your way all the time. Democracy is a better deal.