Susan Brassfield Cogan
5 min readApr 9, 2018


This is why arguing with leftists like you is an exercise in futility.

don’t call me names. Convince me.

When the last Republican president left office the Dow was around 8,000. When the next Republican took office the Dow was just under 20,000, an increase of about 150%. If a Republican had done that they’d be naming an airport after him and fighting to bear his children. If businesses did that in the fetal position imagine what they could have done if they’d stood up like adults!

many leftists believe our money belongs to the government…the tax cuts allow people to keep more of THEIR OWN MONEY

The tax cuts for the wealthy are permanent. Your tax cuts are not. The rich think your money belongs to THEM. If a crumb trickles down from their table, you can have that.

You are so consumed by identity politics….by the new buzzword “intersectionality”…that you are blind to your own bigotry.

I don’t think I’ve ever typed the word “intersectionality” in my life until this moment. Thanks for that.

Conservatives have a monopoly over the entire deck of race cards. It’s hard to see because conservatives don’t believe “white” is a race.

Not all conservatives are racist but all racists vote Republican just like the targets of their racism always vote Democrat.

The Narrative” constantly portrayed by the corrupt leftist media.

the problem with listening to only the “unbiased” and “uncorrupt” media is that you don’t hear all the news. You only get a thin slice. I listen to it all. I read the Fox News opinion page as well as their news releases. I listen to foreign news as well as MSNBC and NPR.

Leftists like you live and breathe identity politics.

as do you. Except that white isn’t supposed to be an identity. It’s just … normal, regular, the baseline.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

It’s so frequently repeated by the left it’s become a prayer. It didn’t get mentioned on the politically “uncorrupt” and “unbiased” news that that you listen to.

twitter feed of any prominent conservative and read some of the vile hatred and death threats they get just for existing.

Twitter is now neck and neck with 4chan as a human sewer. However, the vile hatred and death threats toward leftist women is about the same. Women are treated horribly on the internet, left and right.

You say that I “played the race card” for simply stating the fact that over 90% of blacks routinely vote for whoever the Democrat candidate is. This is another reason arguing with a leftist is so frustrating…me stating a fact is not “playing the race card”….it was the basis for the point I proceeded to make.

You asked why they don’t vote for republicans and I explained. It’s the race thing. It’s “welfare queen” and “superpreditors” and “black-on-black crime” and “inner cities” and all the other dog whistles. Pointing that out is not playing the race card.

“Louis Farrakhan” lol

Leftists like you just love “public transportation”…why is that?

Because it’s greener. Because a lot of poverty is caused because people can’t get to a decent employer because they can’t afford a car. We have busses in our town but they don’t start operating until 8am when people already need to be at work and stop operating at 5pm just as people need a ride home. If you can’t afford a car you either find an employer within walking distance or you’re screwed.

take a bus or train to work instead of having the freedom that comes with owning a vehicle

This is the fallacy of the excluded middle. People in Europe own cars. But with decent public transportation they are free to own a car or not. They are not trapped by immobility.

Guess who is running out of other people’s money to pay for their socialist health care system?

We pay twice as much as the UK for health care. It’s us that’s running out of money not “other people.” Absolutely no Brit would get rid of the NHS. They like it cheap and readily available and they don’t mind forking over the taxes for it because they know they would be bankrupted by the hideously expensive American system. Also the UK is a democracy. If they don’t like how the government is running health care they can vote in people who do it better. Recently they had voted in people who cut health care spending (conservatives naturally) which created a perfect storm when flu season hit. I have a feeling sending on healthcare is about to be increased by a parliament that would like to keep its job.

why is the government getting involved in how parents raise their children?

Because they think it’s the job of government to promote the welfare of the citizens, not just keep rich people rich. People work. They need some place to park their young children during working hours. Child care in the US is so hideously expensive that a lot of people are living in poverty because they have no place safe to put the kids while they are at work.

All the countries in Europe are democracies. People tell democratic governments what to do, not the other way around.

I am a “hard-core” libertarian, by the way….not a Republican. My general political philosophy is that people should have maximum freedom and liberty and the federal government should be as small as possible.

Libertarianism might be able to gain some traction if you really could have your cake and eat it too. But the truth is, you can’t have freedom unless someone is willing to protect it. In many (most) cases, that is the government. Without government protection the women would not have the vote, slavery/Jim Crow would still be in force. Libertarian “freedom” means “freedom for a few” and that’s just not good enough. We have government “of the people.” If the government becomes oppressive then we have work to do. But generally speaking our government is structured to provide maximum freedom for everyone, not just the wealthy. That means the “freedom” of the wealthy and powerful is, indeed, curtailed. See public transportation argument above.

maximum income subject to FICA is $127,500. That will wind up either being raised to some really high limit — like $10,000,000 per year…or eliminated completely.

I’d be okay with that. It won’t discomfort those people at all, especially when it means we can clear old people out of jobs that young people need. People who are healthy and well-to-do do not retire early. Early retirement is for people who either hate their jobs or are physically unable to continue working with any quality of life. Retirement income is already pro-rated if you retire early. You get a much smaller check to make up for the difference. The baby boom generation is a problem that will take care of itself in a decade or two.

financial Armageddon…

It’s alway juuuuust around the corner. Any minute now. Really. Soon. Maybe tomorrow. Etc.

You know how the FED is constantly tweaking the economy to try to keep inflation around 2%? They aren’t going to stop doing that any time soon. If Medicare and SS get too expensive the government can raise taxes, interest rates, cut military spending a bit — any number of things.

And all those things are going to be more appealing to the general public than cutting retirement benefits.

And it just occurred to me that we spend about 17% of GDP on health care. Most single payer countries pay about 8 or 9%. Switch to single payer. Problem solved.



Susan Brassfield Cogan
Susan Brassfield Cogan

Written by Susan Brassfield Cogan

I write self-help, life coaching, and political opinion. I am a creativity and mindfulness coach

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