Regulations and high taxes on guns would have a huge public health benefit which the NRA & Co. could not possibly care less about.
Many handguns use ammunition that is more lethal than some so-called assault rifles. The handgun in my handbag is one of them.
Are you aware that if you fire a high power pistol (or rifle) the bullet can go through the target and through the wall behind them and kill someone sitting in the room next door? Drive by shootings frequently kill people in the houses nearby. You don’t need a high-powered pistol for protection. I hope you don’t live in an apartment.
High taxes on guns…
the only reference I could find to this was Seattle and their high gun tax was allowed by the courts. High taxes on guns and bullets would have a similar effect as high taxes on tobacco and alcohol. It would damage sales and save lives, which is why the NRA & Co. are against it. It would have a huge public health benefit which the NRA & Co. could not possibly care less about.
Well, they/we do, [care about the body count] actually. However, we also care about the Constitution.
not enough to allow safer guns like trigger locks, or guns that can only be fired by the owner. There’s nothing unconstitutional about requiring liability insurance or gun titles or truly universal background checks. Yet the NRA & Co. fight all those things. They fight any and all gun regulations of any kind. The 2nd Amendment refers to regulation and the SCOTUS has said that guns can’t be banned (the NRA & Co. try to make sure that doesn’t enter the conversation) but they did say guns can be regulated.
So if they and you care about the body count why fight regulation?