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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the laughter of millionaires
And she doesn’t wear raggedy clothes, LOL
Fox News thinks Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is funny and not in a good way.
I seldom watch Fox News — you probably could have guessed that. But I do occasionally watch clips. In this particular clip, they were laughing at Ocasio-Cortez because she was having difficulties moving to DC.
A few days ago Ocasio-Cortez made public that she was having financial trouble. She was elected to the House of Representatives and now must move to DC to begin work in January. One of the reasons poor people don’t move to where jobs are more plentiful is because moving is hella expensive and DC is one of the most expensive towns in the country. Ocasio-Cortez won’t get a paycheck until February. At the time of this writing, she has made arrangements for a place to stay until the salary kicks in.
The reason this particular clip about Ocasio-Cortez bothered me is that liberals are always parodied as “elites” who look down and make fun of ordinary working people. But Ocasio-Cortez got laughed at when she said she couldn’t afford to move to DC.
The vanishing middle class
Forty years ago about 60% of the country was in the middle class. Now it’s about 20%.